Smile David Ross Orthodontics in Hanover, PA and Lutherville-Timonium, MD

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Orthodontic Care at Every Age: From Children to Adults

Some folks think that orthodontists work primarily with children, and while that is sometimes true, an orthodontist can provide assistance no matter the patient’s age. From young children to adults, orthodontic care can improve health and quality of life. Whether you’re looking for adult or teen braces, or correcting biting issues among adults (and kids!), working with an

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Adult Braces: It’s Never Too Late for a Beautiful Smile

There was a time when braces were only associated with kids and teens. Thanks to advances in orthodontic care, adults are taking advantage as well. Based on reports, as many as 75% of Americans should consider getting orthodontic treatment. So if you’re living with crooked teeth or other issues related to jaw alignment, know that it’s never too

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Growing Smiles: The Importance of Children Orthodontics for Healthy Development

Visits to your local orthodontist can help your child’s development. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, such visits can begin at seven years old to check for early problems as permanent teeth come in. If you think orthodontics is an extra service that can’t benefit your child’s life and health, the following points can help you see

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Beyond Straight Teeth: The Life-Changing Benefits of Braces

A mouth full of straight teeth looks great when you smile. That’s why, according to Humana, as many as 25% of people with braces are adults. However, adults can seek such ortho treatments for reasons beyond having teeth in perfect formation. If you live in Hanover, PA or Baltimore, MD and want to find out how braces can

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Smile Confidently: How Orthodontics Can Boost Your Self-Esteem

There are many reasons to pursue orthodontic treatment. Professional orthodontics can help straighten your teeth and improve your smile. This dental option is no longer just for teens and kids, as adult patients are benefiting from it more and more. Read on to see how adult braces can improve your self-esteem. Improve Speech The alignment of your teeth

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Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment: Your Guide to Braces and Aligners

When you have issues with your tooth alignment or jaw placement, it’s time to see your local orthodontist. Thanks to advances in orthodontic technology, patients have several options to consider, such as local Invisalign treatment. Your personal preference and the severity of your issue can affect what type of treatment you should have. Tradtional Braces Traditional metal braces

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ceramic braces

Should You Choose Ceramic Braces?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, traditional metal braces have long been the go-to option. However, in recent years, ceramic braces have emerged as an appealing alternative for those seeking a more discreet and aesthetically pleasing solution. Ceramic braces function similarly to metal braces but are crafted from a translucent material that blends in with the natural color

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What to Know About Your Orthodontic Exam

Misaligned teeth are nothing new. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, in 400 BCE, Hippocrates wrote about the irregularities and imperfections in teeth. However, what is fairly recent are the treatments for those irregularities in teeth. If you or your child have crooked, gapped, or misaligned teeth, an orthodontist can help you to fix your smile. But,

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6 Tips to Help Your Child Care for Their Braces

Braces offer the best solution to orthodontic problems for both children and adults. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, parents should schedule an evaluation for their children no later than seven years old. However, taking care of braces can be very challenging for children. Here are six tips to help your child care for their braces. 1.

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Can Misaligned Teeth Impact Your Sleep?

When it comes to sleep, orthodontic services can often be of great help. Misaligned teeth can lead to a variety of issues that can impact the quality of your sleep. That’s why orthodontists make appliances that can assist people with certain sleep disorders. Let’s review how your teeth can affect your sleep. 1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea One of

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orthodontic office

Why Brushing Your Teeth Is One of the Most Important Daily Tasks

You only get one set of adult teeth, so taking care of them is crucial. According to the National Association of Dental Plans, the average American spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth during their lifetime. Here’s why every orthodontic office recommends you brush your teeth on a daily basis. Preventing Cavities Cavities are one of the most common

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orthodontic treatments

Why Aren’t Orthodontic Treatments as Utilized as They Should Be?

Orthodontic treatments such as aligners, braces, and retainers help people address issues related to their crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth. Despite their usefulness, those treatments are still underutilized. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, around 50 – 75% of people could use orthodontic treatment of some kind, but the number of individuals who use them is well

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