Smile David Ross Orthodontics in Hanover, PA and Lutherville-Timonium, MD

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Important Things to Know Before Going to an Orthodontist

Do You Need to Wear a Retainer?

According to NCBI, an estimated 50% to 75% of individuals can benefit from orthodontic treatment. There are many methods used by orthodontists to address a variety of issues. In some instances, your orthodontist may recommend that you wear a retainer. These are usually worn after orthodontic treatment with braces. If you’re done with your treatment, you should wear

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What Adults Can Expect When Getting Braces

WHAT ADULTS CAN EXPECT WHEN GETTING BRACES A common misconception is that braces are designed for children. However, this isn’t the case. According to the American Orthodontics Association, about one in every three people wearing braces are adults! So, if you’re considering going for braces, feel confident and know you aren’t alone. But before you visit a professional

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Tips For Keeping Your Kid Calm During Orthodontic Treatment

As a parent, it’s natural to want to do everything you can to ensure your child is comfortable during any situation. Orthodontic treatment is no different. According to studies, approximately 25-50% of children require orthodontic care. Orthodontic treatment can be a big adjustment for kids, and it’s normal for them to feel a little anxious or stressed during

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orthodontic treatments

3 Ways Your Child’s Breathing Can Improve With Orthodontic Treatments

As a parent, you’re always on the lookout for abnormalities in your child’s well-being, and their dental health is no exception. From encouraging frequent brushing to taking them to their yearly dental exam, there are several ways you can encourage good dental hygiene in your kids. Additionally, exploring different orthodontic treatments can help your child’s teeth down the

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What Is Laser Orthodontic Treatment?

Laser technology has lots of applications in medicine. Did you know that laser is used in orthodontic treatment too? Most people think about braces when they hear the word orthodontics. This is because braces are very popular; in fact, according to AARP, 25% of people with braces are adults. Laser plays a huge role in orthodontics. Here are

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The Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

A smile is the first thing people notice when they look at you. To get that perfect smile, you need to visit an orthodontist. While there are many types of treatments, most people choose to go with Invisalign treatment. According to Aligntech, Invisalign aligners have transformed the smiles of more than 10 million people, of which 1.4 million

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How Invisalign Boosts Self Esteem

Invisalign aligners are becoming a more popular option for straightening teeth, and there’s a good reason. They’re great for patient self-esteem because of their transparency. According to a survey by PR Newswire, 47% of teenagers with Invisalign experience a boost in self-esteem during their treatment compared to teenagers with metal braces. Therefore, Invisalign is a better option in

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When Do Children Get Their Full Set of Teeth?

Tooth development occurs in four main stages. By the age of three, the average child has a full set of 20 primary teeth. Between the ages of six and seven, the primary teeth begin to fall out as permanent teeth emerge. Knowing about these stages is important so you can better prepare your child for any orthodontics they

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Should You Visit an Orthodontist for TMJ Treatment?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) is a condition that affects the jaw and surrounding muscles. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, it’s estimated to affect 5% to 12% of the population and can cause a wide range of symptoms from pain and stiffness in the jaw to headaches. While there are many over-the-counter treatments available

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4 Ways to Get the Best Results from Your Braces

There are many benefits to getting braces. They improve your smile, keep your teeth in the correct positions, and can give you confidence. However, just because you wear braces doesn’t mean you will automatically see results. Braces require patience and proper care. Here are 4 ways to get the best result from your braces. 1. Follow Proper Oral

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What Are Your Options for Affordable Braces?

Everybody wants a beautiful smile because it makes them more confident. Braces can be expensive, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend tens of thousands on orthodontic treatment. Braces assist in realigning crooked and crowded teeth, hence preventing dental issues. Remember, poor oral health can impact your mental and overall body immunity. The cost of braces should

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3 Orthodontic Services You Might Need

Do you have an overbite, crooked teeth, or prominent gums? Are you looking for the best way to resolve your oral issues? Orthodontic treatment protects your teeth from damage, improves their appearance, and enhances speech function. Here are three orthodontic services you should know about. Invisalign According to Global News Wire, the use of Invisalign has grown tremendously,

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